As a network engineer, you probably spend a lot of time thinking and planning your network infrastructure. You plan how computers will be linked, physically using specific cables but also…
linux system administration
In one of our previous articles, we learnt how you can encrypt your entire root filesystem on Linux easily. However, in some cases, you may want to encrypt one simple…
If you are working in a medium to big-sized company, it is quite likely that you are working with many other system administrators. As you are performing your sysadmin tasks,…
As a system administrator, you probably already know how important it is to encrypt your disks. If your laptop were to be stolen, even a novice hacker would be able…
If you are a conscientious system administrator, you have probably already wondered how you can make your files secure. Nowadays, as system attacks get more and more frequent, it isn’t…
As a system administrator, you are probably dealing with a lot of services every day. On Linux, services are used for many different purposes. They may be used in order…
On Linux, the root account is probably one of the most powerful accounts that there is. Considered the most privileged account on a Unix system, root can perform any tasks…
Copying directories on Linux is a big part of every system administrator routine. If you have been working with Linux for quite some time, you know how important it is…